So quickly in fact is winter suddenly upon us that this last beautiful little scabius flower looks completely startled at being coated in a blanket of frost.
In the bog garden this delicate pink flower is in full bloom and coping very well with the snow and the ice. I keep forgetting to check my plant labels and see what she is but I am so glad I put her in there.
Despite the weather, everything looks so beautiful in the snow. These ferns around the smaller pond have not had time to die back yet so it was so nice to capture them dusted with frost. Already the lower fronds are withering and soon there will be nothing left until the spring.
Both ponds are completely frozen over and it is quite a task to break a hole in the ice each night. Even if they are small holes at least some oxygen is getting into the water. They do look kind of pretty though.
I will end this roundup of the frog garden with a picture I took in a park in St. Helens on Sunday. The low, wintery sun was shining through the newly bare trees, the wind was biting but it looked so lovely.
The King of Oak
The Holly King
Forever they shall fight
For one brings on the summer’s morn
The other winter’s night.
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