Monday 21 June 2010

Becoming invisible

People don't know it but there is a knack to becoming invisible. The secret is that you sit very still, don't move at all and after a while you just start to blend in. The birds stop noticing you and they come to eat the goodies you've left out for them.

This lovely little robin had a great time in the mealworm feeder. Normally I'd get live ones but they have been hard to get hold of recently so they are dry ones instead that were soaked overnight. Still, they have no shortage of customers and are always gone by evening.

The borage still attracts lots of bee attention and this was the only one I managed to snap as they move around so quickly it's difficult to focus before they have moved on.

Lastly, this is my son, Elliot Button, caught doing a little bird watching of his own. Luckily for the birds the cat run provides him with a place to get exercise, fresh air, the space to do cat prowling things but most importantly it keeps him safe. Unfortunately for Elliot, it doesn't give him acess to the birdy all you can eat buffet.

Sorry son!


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