Thursday 16 July 2009

Here's a strange thing...

After allowing six weeks for the pond to settle, I bought four ram's horn snails and four more the week after.

These distinctive little chaps are great to watch as they chomp their way through any algae they find. They certainly seemed to settle down and enjoy their new surroundings.

Imagine my surprise when I started seeing these tiny snails - in surprising numbers not long after.

At the moment the ram's horns don't seem particularly put out by them although I will be keeing my eye on the intruders, especially if they start nibbling on my pond plants.

And where did they come from? Well, as I doubt they were immaculately conceived, the only other option is that they were already on the pond plants I bought from my local aquatic centre.

This really does make me wonder what else could have piggy-backed into my pond.


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